onsdag 8 mars 2017

Beauty and body image

It is time to start working with a new theme in English, Beauty and Body Image. We are going to start by watching a video-clip from Youtube.

Think about this:
  1. Would you go out to buy milk in your pyjamas?
  2. Would you open your door in your bathrobe?
  3. Would you cry if your hair was cut too short at the hairdresser's?
  4. Would you go on a date without styling your hair, putting on make-up and nice clothes?
  5. Would you go to school wearing socks in different colours?
Read the two articles below and think about this question: Is it important to look good?

Plus size model Tess Holliday 
Body image and self-esteem

After you have read the two texts about Body Image and Self-Esteem and Plus-size Model Tess Holliday sit in groups of two or three and talk about the following questions:

  1. Do you think it is important to look good? Why or why not?
  2. Who decides what "looking good" means?
  3. What does the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover mean? Do you agree? 
  4. The ideal of being thin in the westerna world is said to be why many people get eating disorders. How can we change that? It is possible to change?
  5. Why do some teenagers become anorexic, bulimic or take steroids?
  6. How can we change the fact that appearnace today seems to be too important?

We will go through the answers in class.

Homework for next Thursday. Look at both Quizlets and try to learn as many words as possible.